Friends of North Devon Theatres

Friends of North Devon Theatres

For historical reasons the Queen's Consorts have always supported the Queen's Theatre and the Landmark Friends have supported the Landmark, but since April 2004, these two groups have joined together to become the Friends of North Devon Theatres.

By joining the Friends of North Devon Theatres, you help us to stage first class shows, attract new audiences, encourage new talent and continue to build our involvement with the wider community.
We are delighted to offer you the following benefits

* Advance notice of forthcoming events and a priority booking period
* Priority waiting list for returned tickets for any sold-out shows
* Discounted tickets for selected shows
* A regular newsletter
* Regular social events, including theatre trips, post-show receptions, tours and fundraising activities.
* NEW BENEFIT - Free exchange on tickets.
* NEW BENEFIT - Free postage on tickets sent.
* NEW BENEFIT - Free programme for selected shows.
* NEW BENEFIT - Special members-only events. The first event is planned for the autumn.
* NEW BENEFIT - A reward scheme for introducing new members. Every time a member introduces someone else to the scheme they will receive a £1.00 credit on their account.

Join today for an annual membership of only £18.50.

Download Application & Renewal Form



North Devon Council

Supported by Devon County Council

Arts Council of England